Healthcare-based Screening and Violence Prevention Tools
Researchers from the University of Michigan and the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute discussed new findings that explore the role of two tools—SaFETy and Lock to Live.
The Joyce Foundation is a private, nonpartisan philanthropy that invests in public policies and strategies to advance racial equity and economic mobility for the next generation in the Great Lakes region. Joyce supports policy research, development, and advocacy in six program areas: Culture, Democracy, Education & Economic Mobility, Environment, Gun Violence Prevention & Justice Reform, and Journalism.
Researchers from the University of Michigan and the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute discussed new findings that explore the role of two tools—SaFETy and Lock to Live.
Quintin Williams, Joyce Foundation senior program officer, co-authors an article on supporting alternative and co-response programs for public safety, transforming emergency systems with non-police solutions that reduce risks and improve outcomes.
Inside Philanthropy
Researchers discuss new findings that explore the psychological impact of mass shootings on youth, and the impact of anonymous reporting systems on school gun violence prevention.