Grants Database
American Academy of Pediatrics
To launch a new Firearm Violence Prevention Research Roundtable and to educate policy makers and the public on the need for greater investment in public health research related to gun violence
American Council on Education
To study the efficacy of and public policy implications of work colleges
Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Chicago
To support Midwest AAPI community engagement in state and local redistricting
Battered Women's Justice Project
To build a community of practice across the Great Lakes region focused on improving the dispossession of firearms from domestic abusers
Business and Professional People for the Public Interest
To implement a community commission in Chicago, develop state-level reforms, and reimagine public safety
Campaign Legal Center
To support Great Lakes redistricting legal and communications work
CeaseFire Pennsylvania Education Fund
To support education and advocacy to reduce gun violence in Pennsylvania
Center for Technology and Civic Life
To support its Reimagining Election Administration initiative to develop and pilot an election administration standards of excellence certification program
CHANGE Illinois
To support a more equitable 2021 redistricting process and pursue redistricting policy reform
Chicago Community Foundation
To help state and district policy makers spend the federal stimulus funds in a strategic and equity-focused way
Chicago Public Media Inc.
To continue and expand its in-depth reporting on education and criminal justice issues in Chicago and Illinois
Chicago Theatre Group Inc.
For the New Stages Festival and Future Labs to advance the careers and artistic development of artists of color
Chiefs for Change
To build and advocate for a federal policy agenda focused on COVID-19 school recovery, redesigned systems of assessment and accountability, and robust college and career readiness data systems
Children First Fund the Chicago Public Schools Foundation
To help Chicago Public Schools grow Teach Chicago, focused on building an effective, diverse workforce and reimagining teacher career ladder/leadership policies