Grants Database
Progress Michigan Education
To continue planning and building out a new statewide gun violence prevention organization for the state of Michigan
Puerto Rican Arts Alliance
For general operating support (totaling $150,000) and to fund a full-time Administrative & Marketing Manager position for two years (totaling $80,000)
Roger Baldwin Foundation of ACLU Inc.
To support the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois' implementation of police reform initiatives across the state of Illinois
Safe States Alliance
To support the National Violent Death Reporting System through communications, education, and advocacy
Southeast Chicago Commission
For the Neighborhood Incubator for Creative Entrepreneurship (NICE) Network, a professional development program for artists and creatives of color
Stand for Children Leadership Center - Indiana
To advocate for smart educator effectiveness, school assessment/accountability, funding equity, and COVID recovery policies
State Higher Education Executive
To test the efficacy of direct admissions college policies and to support states seeking to try those models
State Voices
To support work on voting rights and election protection, including data tools and support, to the Great Lakes states
Teach For America
To advocate for strong teacher preparation, licensure, and data collection policies to ensure an effective, diverse educator workforce in Illinois
Teachers College, Columbia University
To research an equity-driven dual enrollment policy in Ohio and conduct a landscape scan of dual enrollment policies in three states
Temple University - The Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice
For policy development and advocacy on federal and institutional administrative barriers that might inhibit student progress in college
The 74 Media
To support its journalistic efforts to document the impact of the COVID pandemic on U.S. education
The Education Trust
To support equity-focused policy development and advocacy on teacher diversity, college and career readiness, and accountability and assessment
The Marshall Project
To support their data team's coverage of local American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) spending on violence prevention initiatives
The Nature Conservancy
To support its work to improve water quality in the western Lake Erie Basin