Grants Database
Chicago Community Foundation
To support the Education Equity COVID-19 Response Fund
Chicago community foundation
For the Arts Work Fund for Organizational Development to provide unrestricted general operating support to arts and cultural organizations, including Joyce Foundation grantees, that are struggling with immediate lost revenue and non-recoverable expenses due to COVID-19
Chicago Community Foundation
For the Chicago Fund for Safe and Peaceful Communities
Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Inc.
To support Chicago Lawyers Committee's work to protect and expand the right to vote in Illinois and growing support in Indiana
Chicago Public Media Inc.
To continue supporting its in-depth, original reporting on government and politics, education and a daily enterprise pilot program
Chicago State University Foundation
To support Chicago State University's efforts to sustain its student success initiatives
Chicago Votes
To continue its civic engagement and leadership development of young people, voting rights policy work, and to support implementation of Illinois's new jail voting and prison civics laws
Children First Fund the Chicago Public Schools Foundation
To help implement the Chicago Roadmap, a partnership between Chicago Public Schools and City Colleges of Chicago aimed at getting low-income students and students of color on a path to college and careers
Community Advocates, Inc.
To offer technical assistance to state governments on periodic payment of the EITC and to re-examine the New Hope demonstration in light of recent federal policy conversations
Council of State Governments
To support the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Legislative Caucus