Grants Database
Fresh Energy
To reduce carbon pollution in Minnesota and the Midwest through utility planning and action, strengthening and implementing state energy policies, and centering equity in the transition to a clean energy economy
Freshwater Future
For its ÒSupporting Communities in Ensuring Safe and Affordable Drinking WaterÓ project
Georgetown University
To research, write, and disseminate two policy papers that provide human capital policies for responding effectively to the COVID pandemic
Georgetown University
To examine whether the patterns of who earns which college credentials and degrees feed racial economic disparities
Grantmakers for Education
To survey and convene education philanthropy to understand lessons learned from a decade of education reform and chart a course for the future
Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative
To support the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative's water program
Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission
To facilitate participation by Tribes and First Nations in processes to improve enforcement of the Great Lakes Compact
Great MN Schools
To advocate for strong school accountability and teacher quality policies in Minneapolis and Minnesota
Great Plains Institute for Sustainable Development Inc.
For the "Decarbonizing the Midcontinent" initiative
Great Plains Institute for Sustainable Development Inc.
For state clean energy policy development in Illinois and Wisconsin
Guns Down
To support efforts to reduce gun violence through organizing advocacy campaigns, building a new narrative around guns and gun violence, and developing rapid response efforts, and to undergo an organizational strategic planning process
Healing Justice Foundation
To support the Time of Reckoning initiative in Minneapolis
Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights
To increase the number of Illinois residents receiving EITC and CARES Act Economic Impact Payments (EIP)
Higher Learning Advocates
To create and disseminate federal policy recommendations to increase low-income student access and success at selective universities, with a focus on public universities
Hopewell Fund
To support the Economic Security Project's state and federal advocacy for emergency stimulus payments to individuals and EITC expansion