Grants Database
University of Florida Foundation Inc.
To conduct research on the efficacy and possible unintended impacts of state outcomes-based funding policies
University of Illinois - Discovery Partners Institute
To help launch the Illinois Workforce & Education Research Collaborative
University of Indianapolis
To develop a dual enrollment policy agreement between Indianapolis Public Schools and local post-secondary partners
University of Notre Dame
To conduct a meta-analysis on effective community college support programs and to create state and federal policy recommendations on growing effective practices
University of Wisconsin
To study the health and air quality impacts of energy system change
Urban Institute
To study colleges’ racial and economic segregation and its linkages to shifts in state funding
US Water Alliance
To advance equitable water infrastructure policies and to launch an initiative to use arts and cultural strategies to improve water management
Violence Policy Center
For research, publication, education, and technical support to reduce firearms violence in the Great Lakes region and the nation, and for policy research to inform regulation of the gun industry
Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Inc.
To educate and engage the Wisconsin public on pro-democracy issues, and highlight the intersection of those issues with the issues of racial equity and economic justice
Young Invincibles
To support Illinois higher education advocacy and Midwest civic engagement through the Students Learn, Students Vote Coalition
Advance Illinois NFP
To help develop a data reporting and accountability system aimed at strengthening Illinois' educator preparation programs
Alliance for the Great Lakes
To support its efforts to protect and restore the Great Lakes
American Civil Liberties Union Fund of Michigan
To engage in voter education and voter protection in advance of the mid-term elections