Grants Database
The Aspen Institute Inc
To continue its national effort to advance policies aimed at increasing educator effectiveness by building strong professional learning conditions for teachers in schools
The Brookings Institution
To identify the best state and federal policy path for regional public universities, which are experiencing growing financial precariousness
The Center for Michigan
To support expanded key issues coverage and environmental reporting at the Bridge Magazine
The Chicago Community Trust
To support the Chicagoland Workforce Funder Alliance and the pooled fund to scale apprenticeship
The Columbus Partnership
To incubate and launch a business-oriented education advocacy group to improve P-20 outcomes in Ohio
The Institute for College Access and Success
To develop novel federal and state policy proposals to increase college completion for low-income and minority students
The Saint Paul Foundation
To support MSPWIn, the Twin Cities funder collaborative and its exploration of post-secondary state policy work
The Surge Institute
To build a pipeline of African American and Latino executive leaders in education reform
The University of Texas at Austin
For a research study examining college students' attitudes about guns to develop lessons for intervention
Thrive Chicago NFP
To continue and deepen its work to reduce summer melt in Chicago
Tides Foundation
For the Chicago Police Department to pilot new technology to measure community sentiment
Trace Media Inc.
For continuation of its reporting project on gun violence in the Great Lakes region
Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York
For its Justice Lab to organize and convene a Square One Future of Justice Policy Roundtable, focused on addressing violence in criminal justice reform
To create and advance a postsecondary policy agenda to improve outcomes for Latino students
University of Chicago
To refresh data archives, seed new studies, update studies, and put research to work
University of Chicago
To support the University of Chicago Crime Lab's development of an early intervention system for the Chicago Police Department