Grants Database
University of Pennsylvania
For a research study to determine the impact of stand-your-ground laws on the public's health
University of Washington Foundation
To launch the "Big Think Network," a cohort of forward-thinking policy leaders that will reimagine the policy conditions necessary to scale individualized pathways for students and then build blueprints to do so
University of Washington Foundation
To support an investigation of the state policies governing and the efficacy of applied baccalaureate programs
Veterans Education Success
To create and disseminate research to improve federal higher education policy with a focus on veterans
Victory Gardens Theater
For the development of its new "Investing in Chicago' Citizen Artists " initiative focused on cultivating new theater artists and audiences on the city' South and West sides
Violence Policy Center
For research, publication, education, and technical support to reduce firearms violence in the Great Lakes region and the nation
Voices for Racial Justice
To advance democracy reform and explore 2020 Census participation among immigrants, people of color, and American Indians in Minnesota
W A V E Educational Fund Inc
To support the Wisconsin Gun Violence Prevention Project
William J. Brennan Jr. Center for Justice Inc.
To support its continuing work in the Great Lakes region focused on voting rights and elections, redistricting, and census
Wisconsin Voices Inc.
For its efforts to strengthen Wisconsin's democracy and increase civic engagement