Grants Database
Boston University
To support Wheelock Educational Policy Center to launch a research/policy partnership with Indiana Department of Education to study if English learners and special ed students have effective, diverse educators, and recommend policy solutions to ensure they do
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
To transform the Carnegie Classification system for higher education institutions to include a focus on degree attainment and economic mobility
CeaseFire Pennsylvania Education Fund
To support education and advocacy to reduce gun violence in Pennsylvania
Center for Civic Design
To support modernizing local election administration in the Great Lakes states
To help launch its national Votebeat reporting project by covering elections and other democracy issues in Michigan
CHANGE Illinois
To support its continued work to advocate for redistricting reform and support implementation of newly enacted state law to eliminate prison gerrymandering
Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Inc.
To support its Voting Rights and Civic Empowerment Project
Chiefs for Change
To advocate for federal policy focused on COVID-19 school recovery, redesigned systems of assessment and accountability, and robust college and career readiness data systems
City Bureau NFP
To support its Civic Reporting Fellowship program in Chicago
Clean Wisconsin Inc.
To support Clean Wisconsin’s Great Lakes water program
Congo Square Theatre Company
For three years of general operating support (totaling $150,000) and one-year digital initiatives support (totaling $25,000) to expand its digital programming and technical training for staff
Council of State Governments
To support the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Legislative Caucus
Count MI Vote Education Fund
To support redistricting evaluation and recommendations and its growing voter engagement work
Deans for Impact
To advance state and federal teacher preparation policy reforms, including tutoring to teaching, teacher apprenticeships, and residencies, aimed at ensuring a highly trained and diverse workforce