Grants Database
Education First Consulting LLC
To create a framing document, draft research plan, and possible community of practice to help guide educator labor market/teacher shortage research and policy decisions in Great Lakes states
Education First Consulting LLC
To help launch and run the Great Lakes Teacher Shortage Community of Practice
Elevate Energy
For work to fully implement the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act
Equity Legal Services, Inc.
To support efforts to address systemic water infrastructure failures in Centreville, Illinois and surrounding communities
Faith in Place
To advance equitable clean energy policies and environmental justice in Wisconsin through multifaith organizing and coalition building
Freshwater Future
For its “Supporting Communities in Ensuring Safe and Affordable Drinking Water” project
Gilloury Institute
For three years of general operating support (totaling $130,000) and one-year digital initiatives support (totaling $20,000) to pilot a new multi-media platform
Greater Twin Cities United Way
To support research on the post-secondary attainment of students in Minneapolis and St. Paul
GunsDown, Inc.
For general operating support
Higher Learning Advocates
To create a federal policy Equity Toolkit focused on post-secondary funding reform, data collection, and accountability, and to support a Student Ambassador Program to lift the voice of students in policy debates
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
For Immigrant and Refugee Rights to support its Democracy Project
Illinois PIRG Education Fund
To support its Democracy and Civic Engagement Program
Inside Climate News
To support Inside Climate News in hiring an environmental justice reporter and establishing a freelance reporter fund as part of its planned expansion in the Midwest
Institute for Higher Education Policy
To study the racial wealth gap and post-secondary education's effect on it
Institute for Nonprofit News
To expand statewide, policy-oriented journalism on higher education in Illinois and Ohio
Latino Policy Forum
To develop and advocate for educator effectiveness and college and career readiness policies aimed at Latino students and to launch a new post-secondary completion stream of work