Grants Database
New Venture Fund
To support the launch of a large-scale public education campaign to increase awareness among young people of the risks associated with firearms
New Venture Fund
To support the Common Group’s management of the Catalyze Challenge, a work-based learning program accelerator for young people in grades 6–14
New Venture Fund
To support the Fair Representation in Redistricting project's continued national coordination and support of legal, advocacy, public engagement, and evaluation work during and after the 2021-22 redistricting cycle
New Venture Fund
To support expanding the Center for Secure and Modern Elections' Cities Project support to elections jurisdictions in WI, MI, MN, and OH for the November 2020 election
New Venture Fund
To the Trusted Elections Fund to support a safe, smooth, and trusted post-election period
New Venture Fund
To support the 2020 Census Project's coordinated legal, policy, and data experts work to protect census data accuracy
New Venture Fund
To establish a new "Technology Fund" to support Joyce gun violence prevention program grantees during their transition to a virtual work environment in light of COVID-19
New Venture Fund
To support a project to elevate the voices of gun owners in the gun violence prevention debate
New Venture Fund
To support the continued coordination of legal and advocacy work in pursuit of policy reforms, recruiting additional funder support, and development of tools and strategy to prepare for the 2021 reapportionment
New Venture Fund
To support emergency litigation and research related to the late addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 United States Census