Check out the latest insights from our program team and grantees.
Joyce Awards 20th Anniversary Grantee Spotlight: Lynn Nottage
Q&A with 2014 honoree Lynn Nottage, whose Tony-nominated show Clyde's started as a Joyce Awards-winning commission with the Guthrie Theater called Floyd's.
New Blue: Repairing Trust and Rebuilding Public Safety
New Blue – a collaborative created by police and community designed to foster collective change.
New Blue
“Tarell Makes Man”
Joyce Awards Honoree Tarell Alvin McCraney Reflects on Artistic Growth in Chicago
Mobilizing the Community College Student Vote
Joyce Democracy Grantees Campus Vote Project and Students Learn Students Vote are mobilizing community college student voters through targeted education and engagement designed to meet the needs of a diverse and nontraditional student population.
Democracy Desk: “Unlock Civics” Advocates Expanding Voting Rights and Civic Education for Incarcerated Community Members
Two Joyce Democracy grantees, Chicago Votes and Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights, discuss their inspiring voting rights work in Illinois.
Collective Engagement for Community Peace: Understanding the Black & Brown Researchers Collective
We caught up recently with Dr. Buggs, one of the nation’s leading experts on community violence intervention and using anti-racist methods to reduce gun violence, about the status of the Collective and what’s to come.
Black & Brown Researchers Collective
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American Democracy In Crisis: The Challenges Of Voter Knowledge, Participation, And Polarization
The Public Religion Research Institute and The Atlantic have published results from the first in a series of polls exploring challenges to democratic institutions and practices.
Investing In The Future Of The Great Lakes Region: An Update
Last year we announced a new focus: to advance racial equity and economic mobility for the next generation in the Great Lakes region. We hope this will help create a more equitable and prosperous future for the Great Lakes region.
An Equitable Water Future: Opportunities For The Great Lakes Region
At the Joyce Foundation, we understand that our region’s vitality depends on clean water in our lakes and streams, in our homes, and where we work.
Gun Violence Prevention Research Report: Winter 2018 Newsletter
As the new year begins, we bring you the latest issue of the Joyce Foundation’s Gun Violence Prevention Research Report.
Progress And Promise: Chicago's Nation-Leading Educational Gains
Groundbreaking research was released on November 1, 2017 that showed Chicago Public School students make faster academic gains than students in 96% of school districts in America.
Opportunities For Addressing Lead In Drinking Water In The Great Lakes
his report was prepared to provide funders in the Great Lakes region with an overview of critical issues surrounding lead in drinking water and specific strategies that could be used to address those issues and reduce lead exposure through drinking water.
Firearm Ownership Among American Veterans
While the majority of veteran suicides involve firearms, no contemporary data describing firearm ownership among US veterans are available.
Broader Gun Restrictions Lead To Fewer Intimate Partner Homicides
State laws that restrict gun ownership among domestic abusers and others with violent histories appear to significantly reduce intimate partner homicides, indicates a groundbreaking national study led by a Michigan State University researcher.
2017 Gun Trace Report
A better understanding of how dangerous people obtain their guns will help policy makers, advocates, law enforcement and the public improve our collective understanding of the problem of gun violence in America and solutions that can prevent it.
Clean Jobs Midwest Report 2017
Clean Jobs Midwest is a survey of clean energy employment in 12 Midwestern states—Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
Addressing Nutrient Pollution In Our Nation’s Waters: The Role Of A Statewide Utility
Nutrient pollution is a complex and massive problem for our nation’s waters. It is a challenge for many different bodies of water across many different regions, but the responses to nutrient pollution have been siloed and fragmented.
Reducing Phosphorus In Lake Erie Tributaries
Scientists from a group of Ohio Universities wrote a white paper that provides a scientific analysis of the actions needed to reduce phosphorus loads in Lake Erie.
10 Policies To Prevent And Respond To Childhood Lead Exposure
The Pew Charitable Trusts authored an extensive report on the lead risks communities face.
Gun Violence Prevention Research: Summer 2017 Newsletter
As the nation responds to incidents of hate such as the August 12 events in Charlottesville, we see how firearms carried openly are used to intimidate communities and limit the effectiveness of law enforcement.
Formal Firearm Training Among Adults In The Usa: Results Of A National Survey
There are an estimated 55 million gun owners in the U.S., owning 265 million guns. Yet there has been little research on firearms training available to and received by gun owners.
Whose Guns Are Stolen? Circumstances That Lead To Gun Theft
The first reported study of victims of gun theft identifies the circumstances most likely to lead to guns being stolen from gun owners in the United States.