Check out the latest insights from our program team and grantees.
Joyce Awards 20th Anniversary Grantee Spotlight: Lynn Nottage
Q&A with 2014 honoree Lynn Nottage, whose Tony-nominated show Clyde's started as a Joyce Awards-winning commission with the Guthrie Theater called Floyd's.
New Blue: Repairing Trust and Rebuilding Public Safety
New Blue – a collaborative created by police and community designed to foster collective change.
New Blue
“Tarell Makes Man”
Joyce Awards Honoree Tarell Alvin McCraney Reflects on Artistic Growth in Chicago
Mobilizing the Community College Student Vote
Joyce Democracy Grantees Campus Vote Project and Students Learn Students Vote are mobilizing community college student voters through targeted education and engagement designed to meet the needs of a diverse and nontraditional student population.
Democracy Desk: “Unlock Civics” Advocates Expanding Voting Rights and Civic Education for Incarcerated Community Members
Two Joyce Democracy grantees, Chicago Votes and Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights, discuss their inspiring voting rights work in Illinois.
Collective Engagement for Community Peace: Understanding the Black & Brown Researchers Collective
We caught up recently with Dr. Buggs, one of the nation’s leading experts on community violence intervention and using anti-racist methods to reduce gun violence, about the status of the Collective and what’s to come.
Black & Brown Researchers Collective
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Focus Areas
Two Great Lakes States Launch Data Dashboards To Report Violent Deaths & Develop Prevention Strategies
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) recently launched MiDVRS and MNDVRS presenting data collected by the NVDRS, the most comprehensive source of data on violent deaths.
How a Philanthropic Bet on Violence Intervention Is Winning Public Dollars
State, local, and city agencies are investing about $150 million this year in a variety of community violence-intervention strategies that philanthropy is road-testing. Read more about how the Joyce Foundation and others are stepping in to fund CVI work.
The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Poll Gauges Public Attitudes Toward Political Violence In The United States
The Joyce Foundation, Trusted Elections Fund, and The Klarman Family Foundation initiated a public opinion research project exploring the public’s view of, and reaction to, political violence and extremism.
Toward A Fair And Just Response To Gun Violence: Recommendations To Advance Policy, Practice And Research
Report with recommendations to advance policy, practice and research by a group of experts convened by the Joyce Foundation beginning in 2019 under the banner “Toward a Fair and Just Response to Gun Violence.”
Landmark Bipartisan Safer Communities Act To Reduce Gun Violence
The Joyce Foundation applauds the bipartisan effort to pass the Safer Communities Act, which brings us closer to the safer America we all seek and deserve.
The Foundation's Statement On The Bruen Case Ruling
The Supreme Court’s ruling today in the Bruen case will make communities across America less safe. A large and growing body of evidence demonstrates that the mere presence of a firearm increases the risk of injury and death.
Checking The Facts On “Red Flag Laws”
The latest research into “red flag laws” and other gun safety measures was highlighted at a recent webinar series for journalists produced by the Poynter Institute for Media Studies and its PolitiFact fact-checking arm.
Examining The Rise Of Armed Extremists And Militias In Michigan
Recent political violence issues have been on the rise in the U.S. During this webinar, panelists discussed these trends, their implications on democratic institutions specifically in Michigan, and what policy makers might be poised to do about it.
Chicago violence prevention leader joins Justice Department as senior adviser
READI Chicago Director Eddie Bocanegra Joins Justice Department as Senior Adviser
Heartland Alliance
What Makes Funder Collaboratives Work? The Fund for a Safer Future Looks Back on Its First Decade
By Tim Daly and Scott Moyer discuss the impact and success of the Fund for Safer Future that was established in 2011.
Inside Philanthropy
The Current State Of The Chicago Police Consent Decree
A discussion on the court ordered consent decree that included an update from independent monitor Maggie Hickey, and a panel discussion with Cara Hendrickson, Ghian Foreman, Robert Boik, and Garien Gatewood (moderator).
Gun Violence Prevention Research “Starting To Find Its Footing”
As gun violence surges across the nation, the scientific journal Nature reports that researchers finally are beginning to “have the money to ask why.”
$600m Needed for Gun Violence Research: Report
According to a joint report prepared for Arnold Ventures and the Joyce Foundation, gun violence research remains underfunded. The federal government needs to spend around $600m over five years for research and data infrastructure improvements recommended.
The Crime Report
Joyce Joins Violence Intervention Collaborative
The Foundation is proud to join its philanthropic peers in supporting the Community Violence Intervention Collaborative, aimed at strengthening and expanding community-led, evidence-based violence intervention strategies in in 15 jurisdictions.
Firearms Fix
Saving lives by stemming gun violence is the goal of a new law in Illinois that will strengthen background checks, shore up the state’s outdated gun-license system, and invest in mental health services for impacted communities.
Who Bought Guns During The Pandemic
Foundation-funded research is turning a spotlight on a protracted gun-buying surge by Americans, which accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic.